Monday, June 19, 2006

Denali National Park Visitor Center

     We woke to a perfectly blue sky despite a prediction of rain.  We had a slow start with a good breakfast and then took some time to get all the back packs, water, hiking sticks, maps and people together.

    We stopped at the park Visitor Center and picked up tour tickets.  Most of the park is off limits to cars so we needed to schedule a bus tour.  The area around the Visitor Center was beautiful and we took lots of pictures by the park sign to remember the visit.  After an picnic lunch at the campground we went back to the park for a hike to Horseshoe Lake.  Shortly after starting down the trail we saw a mother moose and her two calves.  It was great to share the excitement of seeing the animals up close with the rest of the family.  We saw so many of them on the road through the Yukon.  The moose walked parallel to the path for 50 feet of more while we followed along taking pictures.

    Jenn got tired, but took the two mile hike with the rest of us.  The path was fairly uneven and went up and down hill a bit so it bothered my knees and Terry's back a fair amount.  Certainly worth the effort though.  After a nice afternoon nap we had a family dinner.  The day had turned gray and windy so we we ate inside the trailer. We got all 8 people around two tables and had a feast of grilled chicken and baked potatoes.

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