Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prairie Rose State Park, Harlan, Iowa

     We are in a lovely Iowa State Park about eight miles off I-80.  It is a perfect summer evening.  There are only a half dozen other campers and the only sounds are of the wind and the meadowlarks.  The lake here is very low due to last year's drought so there is no boating or swimming yet, but all the rivers and fields that we drove by were full of water so I expect that the lake will soon be full again as well.
    We had our usual slow first day start as we put all the cold food into the refrigerator and all the last minute stuff into the cab.  As I was putting stuff away I wanted to take a picture and couldn't find my camera.  I looked through the usual spots on the camper and could only remember having it at the cabin last weekend.  Just now when I set up my computer I found it in the computer bag.  Yeah!
    The Weather Channel had dire predictions for rain and storms.  We left home in humid sunshine and strong south headwinds which greatly increased our fuel consumption.  As the day progressed we had some light rain, big clouds and more strong winds.  It is hard driving a big rig while towing a car when the wind is bouncing you all over the highway.  Our drive was a little over 300 miles and we made it to our stop for the night by 4:15.  Time for a glass of wine before dinner.YES!
    I like to read all the historical markers at wayside rests.  Today I learned about all the vegetable canning factories in Minnesota as well as the world's first carp canning factory built in Mankato in 1946.  I guess I can't think of anything much yukkier than canned carp.  I wonder if they are still in business.  I guess I will have to do some research.
   Now our NOAA radio tells us that there are only some very isolated thunderstorms expected and then sun tomorrow - with more wind.  We will be heading across the flats of Nebraska along the Platte River so I expect that we will fight the winds again.  I am happy to hear that most of the threat for tornados is gone, but we checked out the brick bathhouse down the road as our only shelter here in the park.  Only once in our many years of camping have we had to run to shelter - that was in Georgia.
   I am happy as always to be back on the road.  We are so lucky to still have our health and time to spend doing what we enjoy.

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