Friday, January 29, 2016

Back to Maui

     The weather is warmish this weekend in Minnesota - almost 40.  However, it is not the breezy 80 that I look forward to on the beautiful island of Maui.  Soon Rick and I as well as Rick's brother Terry and our sister-in-law, Connie, will be enjoying the flower scented air of Hawaii. I can't wait!
     We are staying in a two bedroom condo near Ka'anapali beach.  It is on the sunny side of the island with a nice view of the warm waters between Molokai and Maui.  We have stayed in this area before and seen literally dozens of whales and their young enjoying the ocean.
    This will be a first trip to Hawaii for Connie and Terry so we are excited to share the experience with them.  There are so many fun things to see and do we will be very busy.  I just love to spend time in the water - both in the pool and the ocean - so we will set time aside for relaxation too.  I've got my sunscreen, water shoes, and sun hat ready for lots of Maui ocean time.

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