Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Made it to Iceland

 Leaving from Terminal 2 is so easy.  We had a short check-in and security line.  Then about and hour and a half to wait for our flight.  I got called to the desk to see if we would sit in the exit row window seats.  More legroom sounded good until we got on the plane and found that the exit door by me showed that it wasn't closing properly.  Thirty minutes later it was decided that the indicator light was bad, but not the door.  Still, I figured if it opened in flight, I was going to experience sky diving.
     The winds were fierce when we skidded down the runway six hours later in Iceland. We breezed through customs and were met by our travel agency for the 45 minute drive to Reykjavik.  The landscape by the airport is desolate, volcanic rubble.  Driving rain and gusty winds made the driving treacherous.  There is a five hour time difference between Apple Valley and Iceland so we were also fighting rush hour at 8:30 am.  It was fun to talk with our driver.  He told us that he learned most of his English from American TV and movies although British English is taught in school to all children.  I told him about an article in the news about the Icelandic language dying out.  He said that the Danes who used to rule Iceland,  are also worried about their language being lost and are paying the Iceland government to teach Danish in the schools to kids 12- 16, but still no one speaks it.
     On the way to town we saw the old U.S. Air base used in WWII.  The barracks are now cheap housing for university students.  Lodging in Reykjavik is very expensive due to tourism with 6 new hotels being built to accommodate the tourist boom.
     Our hotel is just two blocks from the main shopping street downtown and right by the harbor.  We can look out our window and see the wind blowing off the tops of the waves.  We were able to check in early and have the buffet breakfast.  Then we crawled under our duvet for a good nap.  
     We walked around downtown for a bit despite the strong winds and rain.  Lots of shops and restaurants.  I found one with "moderate" prices, The Islenski Barinn.  Although whale, shark and reindeer were on the menu, we had fresh cod and a beer for an early dinner although it was 9 pm our time.  I took lots of pictures only to discover that once more I brought the wrong connection to my IPad and wont be able to upload until I get home.  Rats!
     We are watching some BBC news before an early bedtime.  Its been a tiring, but wonderful Day 1.

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