Saturday, January 27, 2018

Casa Margarita

     We're here!  20 miles south of Cancun airport.  Windy, humid, 80* and pounding surf outside our door. Our day began at 5:30, with a checkin at Terminal 2 at 6:30.  We flew as a group so we all had to check in at the same time.  Coffee, rolls and a little playtime and then four hours in the air.  I he kids were great so itvwas a long, but easy trip.  It was a little slow going through customs, but the biggest wait was for our luggage.  I think Ricks suitcase was the last one off the plane.  We found our transport and drove past miles of mangroves interspersed with dive shops and activities. 
       Within ten minutes of arrival the kids were in the pool.  It was a great way to burn off energy after a long sit on the plane.  The house manager, Roberto, walked us through the house and grounds.  He then took Amanda on a drive through town to show her where to run.  Tomas came by to help us schedule a morning of snorkeling on the reef and then ordered a couple pizzas for the hungry kids.  A grocery shopping  contingent headed off to the big grocery store out on the highway.  
   We watched the sun go down and the blue and purple lights go on in the pool.  Only 6:15 and Stella asked to get her nightgown on.  I think it's going to be an early night for most of us.  It gets dark early so we can see the many lights on the cruise ships out beyond the reef.  The guys cooked us some barbecue chicken and hamburgers on the big grill on the patio.  The air is cooling down a bit, but humidity is still high.  My winter thirsty skin is drinking it in.
    Tomorrow we wake up to a walk on the beach!

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