Saturday, May 27, 2006

Glendive, Montana

     We traveled 297 miles today.  Most of the travel was across North Dakota.  It was sunny and beautiful when we got up.  A perfect day to have breakfast with the door open and the breeze blowing through the trailer.
     By mid day we were into the rolling hills of North Dakota and then in the badlands area near Medora.  The road was bad and bumpy and two cups that were hanging on a cup holder in the cupboard chipped.  Since the roads in Alaska will be just as bad I took the cups down.  Maybe we just need plastic ones.
     We spent the day listening to Public Radio - Klick and Klack and a current events quiz show.  Storms are east of us where we were last night so we are lucky to have moved through them with only a sprinkle.
     We are now in Mountain Time zone.  The campground looks out on the Yellowstone River.

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