Friday, May 26, 2006

Leaving for Alaska, Jamestown, ND

     We left Bloomington at 9 am.  Our first stop came one block later when I couldn't find my cell phone.  Rick searched the car and I search the trailer.  He found it in a side pocket of my purse.  We didn't want to be out of touch all summer.
     The day was sunny and 75.  We traveled 358 miles to Jamestown, ND.  The Jamestown Campground is very nice.  Shade trees everywhere, but no pool.  They finished putting in wireless an hour after we arrived so we got to test it out.  Worked great.  I am looking forward to keeping in touch with family via email.  I set up my cell phone so I could get service in Canada, but have heard that coverage where we are going is pretty sparce.  Hopefully we will continue to find WIFI in campgrounds.  I am trying to keep up with my consulting job with Anoka while we are on the road.
     The trees are full of goldfinches.  I saw a Baltimore Oriole and a yellow-headed blackbird today as well.  Everything is very green.  We usually travel in July or August when it is brown and dry. 
     I can't believe that we are finally on this trip.  It is a perfect night for camping - cool, breezy and after 9 o'clock and still light.  It has been a big day for us and we are both really tired, but so glad to be on the road at last.  This has been our dream trip since we were first married.

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