Thursday, February 11, 2010


    After two days of heat and exciting excursions, Cozumel was our day for shopping and relaxing.  It is one of the largest cruise ports in the world. We could see 4 other cruise ships.  The day was cooler, but still sunny.   The ship was tied up at the International Pier about a 10 minute taxi ride out of downtown. 
     We caught a taxi and wandered through some of the many fancy stores selling diamonds and watches.  Then moved on to T-shirts and souvenirs that we traditionally buy.  Rick always had to add to his wardrobe of travel T-shirts. 
    We taxied back to the pier area and decided to be decadent and stop at the outdoor bar - Senior Frogs - for a drink before noon.  Soon the sun and the rum and cokes wiped us out so we headed back on board for a light lunch and some relaxing on our balcony.  Cozumel is a busy harbor and there were many boats, large and small, cruising around the area.  Another great day in the Caribbean.

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