Sunday, February 7, 2010

On the Liberty of the Seas

     Our itinerary said that we could board the ship after 2 pm, but we had to leave our hotel at 11:30 to get a ride to the port - All shuttle buses were going to be used for Super Bowl guests after 1 pm.  It was cool and breezy - about 68.  After checking onto the boat and looking at our balcony room which was going to be our home for seven days, we went up top and watched the sailing out of the Port of Miami.  The bays along the port were lined with huge houses, but the beach was almost empty - too cool and a Super Bowl on TV, I guess.  The ocean was choppy with a strong breeze.  Hopefully the weather will warm as we head south.
     We signed up for "My Time" dining which meant that we were not locked into a specific dinner time and would be seated each night with a different set of travelers.  Tonight we shared dinner with a couple from the Dominican Republic who were on their honeymoon.  It was so interesting to hear about what happened to them during the earthquake in Haiti.  They said that they had quakes on their side of the island as well but no damage.  They also said that all the hotels were full of people who had fled from the devastation in Port au Prince.
     After dinner we took a walk to see more of the ship and then went to the "Welcome" show in the Platinum theater on the ship.  It was a little preview to many of the shows coming later in the week.  Although we had not done much we were beat and happy to retire to our room and listen to the ocean.

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