Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hot Springs, South Dakota

     Mark and Joyce left for Wyoming today.  It was such fun to spend a few days touring the Hills with them.  I am happy that they are enjoying the RVing way of travel.  We also leave tomorrow, so today we did housekeeping duty.  Washing a week’s worth of clothes was a breeze with a really nice laundry just across the grass from us.  We tidied up the RV, checked the tires and put outdoor stuff away because for the first time it looked like rain.
     Connie and Terry told us that they enjoyed the Mammoth site in Hot Springs – about an hour south of us.  We drove there through Wind Cave Park.  When we toured the cave we only saw a small part of the parklands.  It is beautiful, rolling prairie.  Today we saw the large bison herd which lives in the park.  I have never seen so many buffalo in such a short time. 
     Hot Springs is a pretty little town.  Most of the downtown buildings were built of pink sandstone from a local quarry including a large VA Medical Center and State Veterans’ home, the courthouse, Union Station, as well as hotels and business buildings.  Water from the hot springs has been channeled into a huge indoor pool – Evan’s Plunge – built in 1891.  We did not visit the pool today, but have been there in the past with Boy Scouts. 
     Today we went to a site where approximately 25,000 years ago huge Columbian and wooly mammoths died when they fell into a sinkhole and couldn’t get out.   This sinkhole is sixty-five foot deep and 120 X 150 feet around.   So far the bones of over 58 mammoths have been uncovered.  A huge structure has been erected over the dig which is still unearthing the skeletons of these huge prehistoric creatures.  A short tour explained the history of the site and told us about the work currently going on as they continue to work through layers to uncover additional skeletons.  It was fascinating to both of us.
    We had a quiet afternoon and then went to a steak dinner here at the campground.   A local musician provided serenaded us with some old cowboy songs.  They didn’t sing Happy Birthday to Rick, but he got that when we went to dinner last night with Mark and Joyce at the Desperado Bar in Hill City.  When we got back we heard from both sets of grandchildren (and their parents) so it was a great birthday for Rick.

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