Thursday, July 14, 2011

To the Hills

     We are taking an unprecedented second RV trip this year.  In a few days we head to the Black Hills of South Dakota and then on to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  I am so happy to be getting back on the road in our new RV.
    In the past couple months we HAVE used the RV at the cabin as our extra bedroom.   We took advantage of this by also working on the RV and reorganizing a few spots of inside and outside storage which didn't work as well as we anticipated.  Some items needed to be made more accessible, some less.  Rick worked on getting the load balanced, the front end aligned and the tires properly inflated to reduce a bit of the sway when we have a side wind.  It all helped and the rig is nicely stable on the road.  Downside was a problem with air leaking from the tires which made us think we had a flat.
     We will be joining my brother Mark and Joyce in the Black Hills.  We had a lot of fun last year when they met us in Oregon.  This year Mark and Joyce are renting an RV similar to ours in Rapid City.  Their tenting days may be over after enjoying the new luxury of an RV.  I am really looking forward to spending time at our favorite campground in the Hills - Rafter J Bar.
    After touring the Black Hills with Mark we will split up as they head for the Big Horn Mountains and we drive south to Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park, Colorado. We will be camping in a national park campground without electricity or water.  Dry camping for 3 days.  It will be a good test for the new rig.
   I have read about a drive in the park that is the highest paved road in a National Park - 12,000 ft in places.  Joyce's sister Betty was in the park just two weeks ago and some of the roads are still covered with snow.  We are packing some warmer clothes for the chilly nights.   We spent quite of bit of time in southern Colorado on our Yosemite trip.  This is our first time in the northern section.
   We still have a lot of packing to do but this should be an easier trip to get ready for because we left the RV packed with many items for use at the cabin.  We just need to put our clothes in the closet and fill up the refrigerator.  Then in less than a week we will be off on another adventure.

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

So jealous you are going to Rafter J Bar!! Have a fabulous trip and still wish we were coming to meet you...someday we will!! :)