Wednesday, March 13, 2013

From Apple Valley to Crescent Beach, Florida

I woke up to more snow and went to bed with the window open and the sound of pounding surf. In between we traveled. Rick and I both wondered where you can go by plane that does not take all day.
We first flew to Detroit after a pretty quick security check in Minneapolis. We had an hour between planes which turned into two as we waited for a problem to be fixed with a wàrning light. Our flight to Jacksonville had some pretty grumpy passengers by the time we were in the air including a baby in the seat ahead of us. Boo hoo.
We arrived in Jacksonville and drove out of the rental garage as the sun was setting. Spectacular but discouraging. We had eaten a sandwich seven hours earlier and juice and peanuts for dinner. I programmed a supermarket in St. Augustine into our GPS and we drove into the twilight. An hour later it was full dark and we were at one of the many shopping malls having a sandwich and buying some groceries. We like to stay at places where we can cook breakfast and lunch.
In the full darkness we drove along A1A which is major Florida artery and looked for our Condo in Crescent Beach which is fifteen miles south of St. Augustine on the Atlantic Ocean. There is no office open after 5 PM, but we had a code for a lockbox. We found the door, but no lockbox, until I looked down and saw that it was attached to the bottom of the balcony railing. We went in and right away opened the sliding door at the front of the unit and listened to the sound of booming surf. There is a riptide alert and a major shark migration along this shore, but we can enjoy the sound of the ocean anyway.
By the time we got our luggage up two flights of stairs and unpacked it is almost 11 so we will fall into bed and sleep to the sound of the surf. We made it out of the snow and in to the land of palm trees.

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