Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looking for Florida sunshine

     We have seen our share of snow this winter and spent more than the usual number of days stuck in the house.  Our latest 10" is still piled high in our driveway, but the clock sprang ahead last night so Spring is on its way.  To give it a boost we are headed to Florida for a week of warmer weather and leaving our down coats behind.
    When our kids were small we drove to Miami with our camping trailer.  We stopped for the night on the northeast coast of Florida, outside St. Augustine, at Anastasia State Park.  Our campsite was just over the sand dunes from the ocean and I remember Arik and Matt running up and down the beach in the dusk and wishing that we could stay there for the week.  We had to get to Miami for Rick's business meetings so we drove out early the next morning and never had time to see the old city of St. Augustine.
   On Tuesday we are returning to this area and staying in a condo on Crescent Beach, just south of St. Augustine and Anastasia State Park.  I have a huge list of things to see and do.  It seems that many friends and relatives have enjoyed this area as well, so we are looking forward using their suggestions on many great spots for sightseeing and wildlife viewing.
    We will be close to the beach and the ocean, but the weather looks like it may be a little chilly for much swimming in the Atlantic.  There will be plenty of time for walking the beach and watching the sunrise over the ocean, however.  I can't wait to get some sand between my toes.  St. Augustine, here we come.

1 comment:

AuldStampGuy said...

Glad to see that you are off having fun again. I always enjoy following your exploits. Are you driving down or flying this time?

Best regards ... Tim