Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pikes Peak Cog Railroad, Colorado Springs

     Such a fun day!  We started with an "all you can eat" pancake breakfast at the KOA Cafe.  Good pancakes, great coffee and huge sausage patties served at an outdoor cafe under a clear blue sky.  I love outdoor dining - even pancakes.
     I called for a reservation on the railroad.  We could get on the noon train for a three hour ride.  We had a stack of maps and brochures for the area and looked at what else we would do.  Emily Buoen suggested lunch at a huge old hotel, Broadmoor.  However, it is Sunday, brunch at the hotel was $55 a head, and we were supposed to be wear "dressy casual" clothing.  Well, maybe another time.  We are "camping casual" , but not dressy.
At the top of Pike's Peak
    Instead of going to the Broadmoor, I found a spot described as a scenic drive near Bear Creek Park.  The road was narrow and winding going into the foothills past some amazing homes that were perched on the rocks overlooking Colorado Springs.  Our drive then took us through Manitou Springs - a delightful historic town with many restaurants, shops and pubs.  It was founded as a scenic health resort with mineral springs.  The springs are still there and can be enjoyed for free.
   Pikes Peak is over 14,000 feet high and named for Zebulon Pike, an early explorer of the Southwest. He discovered it, but did not get to the top of it.  The railway to the top of Pikes Peak was built by Zalmon Simmons, creator of Simmons Beautyrest Mattress in 1809. It is the highest railroad in the U.S. and the highest cog railroad in the world.  The cars have huge windows for good viewing on the way up the mountain.  They don't just "ride" the rails, but are attached to the rails so the train is pulled up a 25% grade which couldn't be done with a normal rail car.  The original engines were steam, but now the train is powered by diesel engines.  We were assured that the ride was very safe.
   The train gains almost 8,000 feet in altitude and goes through many different types of terrain, plants and animals.  The temperature drops over 30 degrees.  We started in shirt sleeves and put on jackets and sweatshirts by the time we got to the top.  On this very clear and sunny day we could see over 150 miles.  The views were just amazing.  Wow, you must do this if you get to Colorado!
   So, with one train ride behind us, we headed back to the RV to get ready for a stay in the Great Sand Dunes National Park.  No power or Internet for a day or so.  Then we will be back online!

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