Friday, June 7, 2013

Two Passes into Durango

     We never know what we are going to see along the road.  We were prepared for some very high mountain views today as we drove over two high passes on the way to Durango.  We got to the top of the first pass without difficulty.  We were on a quiet highway with a low speed limit so the fact that we are a bit slow going up the steep grade is no problem - there was no impatient traffic behind us.  Then, as we headed to the next pass, we saw that traffic was stopped.  Coming down the highway towards us was a flock of sheep being herded to their summer pasture.  They flowed across the whole highway and up the banks along the road.  Lots of lambs baa baa baaing as they tried to locate their moms.  I fumbled with my camera, but finally got a couple shots.  What a fun roadblock!
Cumbres Pass sheep
   There is a lot of water in the high altitudes.  Everything is really green and there is plenty of water in the streams and gullies.  We have seen some wildflowers and some snow.  I think that it is still early at 10,000 feet for the flowers to be fully blooming although there is one that I am trying to get a picture of so that I can identify it.  I am also happy to see that the terrible spruce beetle that has killed so much of the pines in the northern Colorado mountain slopes has not hit here and the huge pines are beautiful.  The slopes are also covered with quaking aspens which are just starting to leaf out - waves of fresh, pale green.  A nice contrast to the dark pines.
   We are staying at the Durango Riverside Resort for the next few days.  The resort is on the Animas River which runs swiftly along in front of our RV about 50 feet away.  The days are warm and getting warmer, but the nights are still in the low 50's and the sun drops behind the Rocky Mountains pretty early which cools things off really quickly.  We are approaching the weekend and school seems to be out so the campground is just filled with kids.  I miss my grandsons.  They would have fun here.  I am happy to have phone service back and a sewer connection for a couple days.  We need to do some house cleaning.  It has been really dusty
   Tomorrow we have a day of relaxing.  I can't wait.  The swimming pool is calling my name.

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