Thursday, February 23, 2017

Western Ski Trip

     It has been a while since we have gone to the western mountains in the winter.  In 2014 we went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado and Rick took a bad fall after only three runs.  Several other folks in the Ullr Ski Club fell that day as well.  Rick tore some ligaments which secure his collar bone and spent the rest of the week very uncomfortable.  It made him question whether he should continue to ski and certainly made him wonder about big mountain skiing.
    Since then he has been working with a trainer off and on, regaining strength and flexibility that is so essential to skiing and is so hard to hang onto as we age.  He has been feeling good skiing and decided that he is ready to tackle the big mountains again.  This year the Ullr Ski Club is headed to Park City, Utah for a week and we are going along.  Its a good place for us because the altitude is a couple thousand feet lower than Colorado.  This makes for a little more oxygen for our old lungs.
    It is a good time for us to take off for a bit.  We skipped our fall RV trip and our winter warm getaway while Matt has been fighting his colon cancer.  But now, Matt is successfully recovering from surgery and ready to finish his chemo treatments.  It will be good for us to have a little time away.  The unexpected warm spell this winter has made winter fly by, but we do get a traveling itch that needs to be scratched.
   Park City looks like a nice, little ski town.  Lots of shops and restaurants nearby our hotel.  I am bringing a big computer project and some hand sewing to keep me busy when I am not out wandering around taking pictures.  If I get bored, it will be my own fault as there is lots to do, including planning our upcoming trip to Iceland.  Keep watching for details on that!

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