Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines Day in Paradise

    It was a wonderful Valentine's Day.  We woke up to a warm breeze and the sound of waves.  We had a slow, quiet morning sipping coffee while looking at a ocean full of spouting and breaching whales.  We sat in our PJs with all the windows open and read the home and national news on our Ipads.  
    We drove to the local mall on what are now very familiar streets in our little neighborhood of Napalii-Honokowai.  There is a nice mixture of condos and residential area here.  Lots of small businesses and no chain restaurants.  A sidewalk runs along the street and everyone stops for pedestrians crossing to the beach.  It was a very easy place to settle into.
    We did a little last minute shopping and then had lunch at an open air cafe.  This is one of my favorite things to do when I escape Minnesota cold - have some delicious food and feel the Maui breeze.
    We are getting on the plane at 11:30 tonight for our flight back, so it was time to pack.  Our stuff has migrated everywhere in this two bedroom place.  We did a pretty good job of eating up all the food that we bought.  Some will come on the plane with us for midnight snacks.  I rarely can sleep so its nice to have a snack.
    We swam and saw our turtle friends again.  This time just a couple feet from shore.  They came to say, "Aloha."  It was hard to get out of the water knowing that it will be the last time.  But overall it has been a perfect Valentines Day because I got to spend it with my best friend.  
   Tomorrow we will be back in Minnesota, close to the people we love.  That will be paradise too!

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