Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kealia Costal Boardwalk

    Birdwatching was on the agenda today.  I have been collecting new birds in my journal all week, but today we went to a half mile long boardwalk that meanders between the ocean shoreline and a large wetland and pond.  There are 42 species of birds found only on the Hawaiian Islands, 31 of them are on the endangered species list.  There are also many species like the Cattle Egret which were not native to Hawaii, but once introduced to the islands have thrived.  In addition to the birds who live here year round there are also some who make the more than 2000 mile journey from Alaska, California, Japan, Australia and Polynesia.  

     As more and more land is developed for the tourist industry birds are losing their natural habitat.  Hawaii is working with the Federal Government in developing wildlife sanctuaries to protect the remaining species.  Across the highway from the boardwalk is the Kealia National Wildlife Refuge.  A big, new Visitor Center was built there, but wasn't open today.
     I have a bird identification app called IBird on my Ipad.  It lets me search for birds with dozens of identifying items - color, size, habitat, shape of the bill, color of the eyes etc. etc.  It is so much better than a book.  Once I have identified the bird I can record it in a journal on my IPad - where I saw it, the weather, how many.  I keep a list of birds visiting my home bird feeder, another list of birds at the cabin, and a "traveling" list.  I have added a dozen birds on this trip.  Today I added a Hawaiian Stilt, a Hawaiian Coot, a Black-crowned Night Heron and a Pacific Golden Plover.  The Plover flies here from Alaska!  One of the most flourishing of the species is the Maui chicken - they show up everywhere!
    We had fish tacos for lunch at Maui Tacos, yum.  Then a quiet afternoon while I worked on my Hawaiian appliqué quilt.  This evening we joined friends Margo and Jon from the Ullr Ski Club who are also in Hawaii this week.  We strolled around downtown Lahaina and then had an amazing dinner of Macadamia nut crusted Mahimahi and watched the sun set.  All in all a fabulous day!

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