Saturday, February 13, 2016

Maui Quilt Shop, Kihei

     I would say that admitting my addiction is the first step to recovery, but I'm pretty sure that saying that I have a problem with fabric won't stop me from buying more.  I have been working now and then on a Hawaiian applique wall hanging of green sea turtles that I bought on the Big Island two years ago.   When i was shopping with Connie I found a pattern for seaweed that I can use to make the whloe project bigger and more of a throw.  So today we trekked to the south end of the island to a nice shop that specializes in Hawaiian patterns and fabric.  It is a wonderful shop with a great selection of batiks.  The friendly sales ladies had lots of good advise, too.  I bought five yards of fabric - just a taste of the many beautiful choices.  My perfect kind of souvenier to remember this delightful vacation.
    On our way to Kihei we stopped at the wildlife refuge boardwalk again.  It was much warmer out there today and we saw fewer birds, but I added a couple more to my list.  We have a resident Great Blue Heron at our cabin so I have a particular affection for them.  Earlier in the week we saw several adult and juvenile Black-capped Herons.  Today I saw two Green Herons.  A big deal for me, not maybe so much for Rick.   
    Today the ocean is much quieter.  The big swells have moved on, so we had an afternoon of sun and fun in the water.  All week we have seen the green turtles swimming in front of our condo.  They are the largest of the sea turtles and can get up to 700 pounds, with a shell that is five feet from head to tail.  The ones we have seen are, by that standard, medium sized.  Many of the about two and a half to three feet.  They have smooth, brown shells and green skin.  They can't retract their heads.  They have very powerful flippers and can swim amazingly fast for something that looks like a rock with legs.
     The little beach where we swim is between very rocky areas.  The turtles hang out in the rocks on one side and then swim across the open area to the other side.  I keep an eye out for them because they're protected, they are amazing, and they have sharp claws.  As I was floating in the rolling waves I went to put my foot down and stand up when, Whoops!!!!!  THERE IS A BIG TURTLE RIGHT THERE UNDER MY FOOT!  We both wisely paddled away from each other and I tried to warn Rick that he was coming his way.  Instead I scared the lady swimming next to me who shouted, "What was that?  What did you see?"  She was happy to hear that it was just a really big turtle trying to mind his own business.
     As we ate leftovers on our lanai tonight we saw the mother whale and her calf back in the same spot that we had seen them before.  The two whales stayed near the surface and provided great entertainment for a sailboat cruising by.  At one point Mama whale smacked her tail ten times in a row.  I've never seen this before.  What an amazing day!

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