Friday, May 20, 2011

Hannibal, Missouri

      Here we are in a campground near downtown Hannibal and watching it rain.  It is Friday evening.  Initially the campground was nearly empty, but folks keep driving in for a fun weekend with the kids.  This place has swings and playground equipment as well as access to Mark Twain's cave.  A good place for kids.  BUT it is pouring!  The rain stops for a little while and then starts again even harder.
    We watched a family put up a large tent while their daughter rode around on her bike.  Seemed like they were going pretty slow considering that there was only a short time between downpours.  Finally it was up and then they started trying to cook dinner without a rain fly.  I am not sure why they didn't pitch the tent next to the gigantic picnic shelter across the road.  A little further down the road a family with 3 kids have set up their tent trailer - I remember the days of being cooped up for a weekend in a tent camper with bored kids.  Actually those were really the good old days.  We had so much fun traveling with the boys.
     This campground has satellite Internet.  When it was pouring earlier there was no connection.  Now I have had one for a little bit.  I am so accustomed to being able to look things up it drives me crazy.  I forgot to get the info on the Mark Twain sites around town and I will have to rely on printed materials found in town.  So archaic.  It will have to do unless the rain stops for a bit.
     According to the news the world will end tomorrow.  Hmm.  We certainly have been having a good time  the past couple weeks.  I guess if tomorrow is the end we will go out doing something we love.  Just wish the guy who couldn't put up his tent hadn't tried to light a fire with wet wood so I will have to spend my last few hours in this world coughing.
   The news also questioned why gas prices go up fast and down slow.  I wonder the same thing.  However, we have been very grateful that we only paid over $4 once on this trip.  Mostly the prices have been just fine and the MPH on the camper continues to improve.  The manual says not to even start tracking it until after 1000 miles.  Ricky had to start at day one, of course.  
     Our new camper has an automatic awning.  We just press a button and it goes out or comes back in.  We use it so much more now that we don't have to spend 10 minutes fiddling with it.  In a rain like this it is very handy.  We can have the door and side window wide open without the rain coming it.  Since it is 75 and humid it feels good to have the fresh air.  It is also very helpful to have a little porch so that when we come in and out the door it doesn't get so wet inside.  The best part is that we will be able to close it up again before we go to bed and won't have to step a foot outside if it is still raining.  I love the new camper.

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