Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Paducah, Kentucky

     We are back in Kentucky on our way home.  This town is the home of the National Quilt Museum which is why this stop is on our itinerary. We will head there tomorrow.  Today we crossed the Mississippi River, again.  I didn't know when I planned this trip a couple months ago that we would be having a record breaking flood.  I have lost count of how many times we have crossed the river, but each time I am just amazed at the power of the water and the enormous area that it covers.  All the rivers that run into the Mississippi are backed up into surrounding fields and towns as well.  In many areas we have seen both flood damage and tornado damage.  FEMA must have its hands full.
    Our campground tonight is next to a car auction lot.  We have seen some antique RV's in this area, including many in used RV lots.  I think that some of them are older than the ones we saw in the Elkhart RV history museum.  I'm sure that not having salt on the roads helps to preserve the chassis.
   We got to this campground by mid afternoon and had some time to set our chairs out on the gravel lawn and watch cars go by.  Not my favorite campground, but the folks are nice, the spots are level and the laundry room was empty.
    We decided to head out for dinner and used Google Maps to find a nearby restaurant.  For $20 we had two draft beers, a chicken barbecue dinner with rolls, beans, potato salad and coleslaw and a half rack of ribs with the same sides.  Not quite the great atmosphere as B.B. Kings, but a great meal.  Rick is off for his nightly walk to wake him up after a big meal and a beer.  Blogging wakes me up.
    Traveling is good for us.  Rick got over his pneumonia very quickly.  My knee has only required daily exercises and an occasional Aleve.  After one or two nights in our new bed we have both been sleeping very well.  I turn on the white noise machine to block out trains, planes and early RV travelers.  With a bed in the back of the RV and a little curtain between the "bedroom" and the "living room" Rick can stay up late reading and I can get up early.  We don't bother each other with our different schedules.  Many of the smaller RVs had a couch that folded into a bed.  This would not have worked for us.  We are happy with our choice.  I love my new Winnie.


AuldStampGuy said...

I'm sure that I must have missed this along the way, but I have been waiting for Rick's comments on the Model Train Exhibit. I trust that they had an excellent 'N' scale setup.

Best Regards .... Tim.

AuldStampGuy said...

Alison asked me to enquire when we can see Susan modelling her new "Southern Style" sorts?
