Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Off in our new RV

     Our day started slowly.  Rick found out yesterday that he has walking pneumonia again so he slept a little later to try to stay rested as we begin our trip.  We can’t turn on the refrigerator while parked at a tilt in the driveway so we still had all the refrigerated food to put into the camper.  By 10:30 we had hooked up the little Honda to the back of the camper and were on our way.
     We headed south on SH 52 through Rochester and then further south on SH 63.  It was a windy day, but sunny.  This RV reacts a fair amount to wind and big trucks passing us so we had to keep  our minds on our driving to stay on the road.  We thought that we would see a lot more green grass and leaves on the trees as we headed south, but it has been cool here too and not much further into spring than Apple Valley. 

     We stopped for lunch at a “wayside” at the Iowa border.  No picnic tables or toilets, but a nice place to pull off the road and have lunch.  Our first in our new home.  An info sign told us that we were in an oak savanna - an area between the prairies and hardwood forests which had many Bur oaks.  Big, old, gnarly trees.  I liked them and I am happy that a bunch of really old ones were preserved in this southern Minnesota area.
     After many miles of flat Iowa corn fields we are now in more rolling country.Our stop tonight is just outside of Cedar Rapids, Iowa at Lazy Acres RV Park.    I am surprised at how busy the campground is.  I guess other folks are getting an early jump on vacations as well.  We have already discovered that we have forgotten a few things – nothing critical yet – so we will be doing some shopping while we are in Springfield, Illinois.  Our next stop.
     We are happy to have some sun, slightly warmer weather and a good first day on the road.

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