Saturday, October 6, 2012

Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky

    We are heading home.  It was a chilly and foggy start, and then the sun came out and made the drive so much easier.  If we had been willing to really push it we could have made the trip home in three days of driving.  But we aren't spring chickens anymore and have divided it into 3 days of around 300 miles and a shorter fourth day.  This plan lets Rick sleep in a little in the morning, gives us time for a quiet breakfast, and gets us to our nightly campground early enough to have a glass of wine, a walk around the campground, a relaxed dinner and some quiet reading time.
    Our drive took us up over the mountains again and into some fog.  Now we are into Kentucky horse country with lots of rolling hills and grass.  At these lower elevations the leaves haven't turned as much, but it is pretty country.
   We stopped at the Kentucky Horse Park campground mostly because it was the only one around and had a good review.  It is huge with 260 spots that have cement pads, water and electricity.  They are all full on this weekend night. There is a huge overflow field that has no hookups, but you can park on the grass.  The Horse Park has a half mile track, a steeplechase course, a covered arena, a museum and lots of barns.
    The campground is full of families and tent campers.  Lots of folks have TV's outside their campers and are sitting around watching college football which seems to be a huge passion in the South.  We are parked next to the playground which is just full of kids.  The streets are full of kids on bikes.  Such a nice, friendly place with plenty of grass and shade.  Too bad we are here for only one night.  We could go to the Four Roses Distillery for a tour and a taste.  Speaking of liquor - I tried a small box wine (2 liters) that I got at Target in Virginia.  It fits into our little refrigerator, stays fresh, doesn't spill, and has provided us with a glass of wine many nights when we want to enjoy our outdoor living room and a pre-dinner drink.  It was a very nice Malbec.  I'm going to look for it at home for our next trip since it has worked out so well.  I have been a snob about box wine, but now I am sold on this for traveling.
   It is fun to see so much activity in this campground and watch the kids enjoying the campfires on this chilly night.  Soon camping season will be over and it will all be memories.  I spent time last night looking at pictures from our camping outings with Carter and Kellen.  Next year it is Bennett's turn too.  I can hardly wait.

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