Monday, October 8, 2012

Windy Wisconsin

    Our morning was crystal clear, cold, and very still.  We are back to Central time and both of us woke up pretty early today so we hit the road for our 300 mile trek to Wisconsin Dells.  The first thing we noticed as we drove through Indiana was how very flat it is.  After so many hills in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky, we were back in flat farm country.  We also noticed that the leaves were still pretty green except for a few bright red maples.
    We had a long haul for the first segment of our day - no rest stop for 120 miles.  We could stop at a Truck stop and get a break, but it is sort of against our driving code which calls for only one Truck stop a day for gas.  The rest of the time we use Wayside rests where we can get out of the RV and walk around a little to keep our blood moving.
    Soon we were headed north on I39 (the route far west of Chicago that I wanted to take on the way down).  It was a good thing that we were driving nearly straight north, because there was a strong south wind that literally blew us down the freeway.  We stopped for lunch at the Wisconsin border Welcome Center and discovered that while we drove across farmland with no trees, we had moved from trees with green leaves to trees with no leaves.  Too much wind.
   After lunch we hit bad road and a cross wind.  Rick was thankful that he has gotten a lot of experience driving this camper because it was blowing all over the really rough road. The bad road made everything inside the camper rattle so much that we couldn't hear each other.
    Finally we got to the Wisconsin Dells area.  I wanted us to have a pretty place to camp on our last night of camping for the season.  Despite warnings in the RV Park Reviews that the KOA had lots of train noise, we decided to camp here since we were driving right past it.  For the first three hours, no trains.  Since dinner time, trains every 15 minutes.  At least they don't blow a warning whistle so loud it knocks us off our chairs which we had when we camped in Asheville.
    So here we are on our last night.   Watching the sun go down, listening to the falling leaves, having a last glass of wine, and blogging.  Tomorrow we head for home.

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