Thursday, March 6, 2014

Big Yachts and Big Waves

We are rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.  The richest woman in Britain, former Miss UK Kirsty Bertarelli and her billionaire Swiss husband, Ernest have parked the biggest motor yacht ever built in the UK, a 96-metre six-deck yacht named the Vava II in the bay in front of our condo.  It was lit up like a Christmas tree last night when we arrived.  This morning we could see the helicopter parked on the top deck.  I'm sure they will be stopping by later for drinks.

They will have to fly over because there are some awesome waves breaking off our shore.  The big storms hitting California have their start out here and the surf is high.  It is so loud when we have our sliding doors open that it is hard to hear the TV news.  

As usual the time change has screwed up my internal clock and I was awake at 3:30 am ready to start the day.  I went back to sleep several times until 6 when I gave up the fight and went out on the lanai to sip Kona coffee and watch the sun rise.  It was 69 degrees, humid, with a light breeze.  I just love Hawaii!

Rick is fighting a sinus infection, the remains of a cold and cough as well as still recovering from his shoulder injury.  He was pretty wiped out from the flight, but the coffee revived him too.  So we had breakfast while watching the waves come in and then went to stock up on groceries.  I always forget how expensive food is on the island.  I would hate to be feeding a family here. Carter, I am eating some fresh mango for you.

After lunch and a nap we slathered on sunblock and headed to the pool.  My body soaked up the sun, heat and warm salt water.  It's a hard life but someone has to do it!  There is a beautiful barbecue area by the pool so we grilled some burgers for dinner and sat with a glass of wine watching the sun set.  It has been a perfect first day in paradise.

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