Saturday, March 8, 2014

Whales, Waves and Quilts

I woke up to gray skies and a runny nose.  Rats!  I managed to avoid the family virus and then caught one here.  Fortunately Rick brought an arsenal of cold remedies so I will take it easy today and hope for a quick recovery.

Speaking of rats, the island is overrun by mongoose (geese?) that were imported to control the rats in the sugar cane fields.  Now they are everywhere and pretty much eliminate ground nesting birds.  That is too bad since there are species of birds that exist only on the Hawaiian Islands.  Just in the last two days I have seen four beautiful birds that can't be seen anywhere else.  They seem to want to join us in our condo so we have to be care to keep the screen door closed.

While I sat on the lanai talking to the birds I noticed that the pod of whales was back in the bay.  They are frequently near the surface so it is probably females with babies who need to surface more often than the adult whales.  We watched them slap the waves with their huge pectoral fins and tails.  A little entertainment for the folks from Minnesota.  They must have liked the big waves from last nights storm - so did the surfers who hung out in the waves just off the tiny, rocky beach next to the condos.

My highlight of the day was a visit to a local quilt shop - Quilt Passion - which had a wonderful display of Hawaiian quilts and lots of beautiful batik fabric.  I bought a fabric for making a table cover or wall hanging of sea turtles.  We will see how my hand applique skills are coming along.  It was fun to talk to a group of ladies who were sharing lunch and looking at new quilt fabrics.  

I was happy to see a drawer full of books at the condo and have enjoyed reading on the covered lanai even in the drizzle today.  The temps stayed around 75 and the light rain did not seem to bother the surfers at all.  Oahu is getting much more of the storm and has famous high surf today which means that many folks needed rescue.  If it isn't ice and snow it is surf, but I prefer the warm, thank you very much.

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