Saturday, March 15, 2014

Green Sea Turtles say "Goodbye"

The flights from Hawaii back to the mainland leave late in the day.  From Kona our flight left at 10:45 pm.  In the past we used to get out of our hotel room at checkout time - usually by 10 am.  This makes for a really long day before a really long flight.  Now we just schedule our flight one night earlier and stay in the room relaxing until we have to leave to catch the plane.  Old folks, right?

For our last day on the island we went OUT for breakfast at a pretty cafe with a great ocean view and outdoor dining.  I had an orchid floating in my glass of water and some delicious banana/macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup.  Heaven.  We went back to pack and I went to the shore to take some last pictures.  Just for me a green sea turtle came up on our rocks to sun herself.  I think she wanted to be sure that I come again for another visit.  I bought a silver and pearl turtle pendant as my Hawaii souvenir.

After a relaxing time at the pool and a good nap we walked back downtown for dinner.  Several of the buildings have retail business downstairs and a second floor restaurant with big decks looking out at the ocean.  Our choice was a place called Humpy's Big Island Ale House which had a large selection of beers and lots of fresh fish.  We passed on the beer - I didn't want to burp all night on the plane - but we enjoyed different versions of the fresh catch of the day Hawaiian Ono.

Much later, after my usual bedtime we were watching the lights of Hawaii Island fade in the distance and spent the next hours trying to sleep on a crowded plane.  And now we are home.  A great tail wind shortened the flight a little.  My sweet Kellen was so delighted to see us at the airport - just what I came home for.  There is less snow, my house is messy and I miss the sound of the waves.  Goodbye ocean and dolphins and whales.  Goodbye warm sun and salt water and swimming.  Goodbye trade winds carrying the scent of flowers, bird songs, and outdoor dining.  Is it time to go to the cabin yet?

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