Sunday, March 29, 2015

Seagrape Lane, Sanibel Island

     Everyone got to bed late and woke up early, but it was a perfect day and we were all together T the beach, away from Minnesota cold and snow.  The island is the perfect place for bicycling - nice and flat with good bike trails everywhere.  Everyone except Rick and me rented a bike and rode back the two miles from the rental place.  Stella enjoyed the ride behind Mommy so much that she had a short nap. The kids had a great time and got to see some of the back roads of the island.
    The swimming pool called my name and I was floating around when eveyone returned hot and sweaty.  I was soon joined by the boys while their sister napped.  The breeze was a little cool, but the water was comfortable.  After lunch on the pool deck we all crashed for a couple hours.  
     The guys and Amanda took off for the market while the rest of us took advantage of low tide and went out to the beach to look for shells.  We saw lots of varieties - most of them populated with sea creatures.  The kids found plenty of shells to start their collections.  We saw several live starfish and a lot of shore birds.  Stella really liked wading in the warm, shallow water - her first experience with the ocean was a big success.
     Our neighbors in the townhouses are also from Minnesota, and are a group of grandparents, parents and grandchildren - three boys there as well.  When they all get in the pool it is a rowdy place, but, fortunately, no one from the other two condos are using the pool.  We grilled some burgers on the outdoor grill by the pool and had some pina coladas.  The kids crashed into bed with the adults following soon after.  What a perfect day.

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