Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Submarine Museum

    The sun came out today and it was beautiful.   Connie and I took off to do some laundry and have breakfast while the guys had some brother bonding time.  After lunch we went back to St. Mary's to enjoy the town in sunshine.  We went to the submarine museum that was closed on Monday.  The King's Bay Naval Submarine Base has 16,000 acres adjacent to St. Mary's.  It is the Atlantic home port for the nuclear Trient missle subs.  The little museum has a few interesting historical displays.  However, it also had a terrific informational film about the Trident submarines.  The last part of the film showed a sub returning from a six month deployment and being guided up the river by tug boats to the port.  I thought of "Hunt for Red October" and want to see that movie again after learning all about the subs.  The state park we are staying in is just outside the gates to the base.  We have seen lots of pizza delivery cars going onto the base - a perfect cover for a spy.  Or maybe I have been reading a few to many thrillers lately.
     We also took a tour of the Cumberland Island museum which is only open in the afternoon.  While much of what can be seen on the island is from recent history of the Carnegies, the island was inhabited as early as 4000 years ago by the Timucua people.  Then came the Spanish and later the British.  Sea Island cotton (great for quilting), rice and indigo were profitable island crops.  It was good to get the wider perspective on the island history.
     With the sunshine and warmer weather came a desire for ice cream -  mmm the very best coconut pineapple Hagen Daz was just a few steps away.  We sat by the water and watched boats come and go.  Eventually we went back to our cottage for a last afternoon sitting on our rockers on the porch.  On our first night with Connie and Terry we went to a steak house for dinner.  Tonight we had a goodbye dinner at a steakhouse.  Tomorrow we head further south and they head back towards snowy Minnesota.  It has been such fun.

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