Friday, February 7, 2014

Riding the Gondola at Night

    This is our last day at Steamboat.  The snow is coming in bursts - sometimes so heavy it is hard to see across the street.  Snowplows are out busily trying to keep up with it.  The Vail Pass is closed due to avalanche worries (we don't have to go over this to get back to Denver).
    I took Rick back to the Sports Medicine clinic to get the tape on his shoulder replaced.  It is some heavy taping that helps keep his collar bone in place since the ligaments are torn and stretched.  Having it firmly taped will make him more comfortable on the bus and plane ride home.  He plans to take some of the power meds for the ride home so he will be back in his fuzzy zone for the day.  Everyone has promised to help us schlep the skis, boots, poles and luggage to the bus and plane since Rick can't lift anything - or tie his shoes, or zip his jacket or drive a car .....
     We went out for a DQ lunch and then returned the rental car.  It has been a real help this week as we made trips to the ER, pharmacy, clinic, and grocery store.  We did a little shopping at Gondola Square, but Rick decided not to buy a T-shirt to remember this trip.  I don't blame him.
    The club gathered to take a ride to the top of the mountain on the Gondola lift.  It was a beautiful ride up high in the dark with the many lights of the resort and down sparkling below.  Years ago when we were here one of the Gondola cars got hit by a burst of wind, slipped back and hit another car and caused the entire system to shut down.  The ski patrol had to climb the very high poles and work their way down the wires to each car and then lower the passengers down by ropes.  It took all day.  That gondola system has been replaced with one that hugs the contours of the mountain and doesn't have such high towers so it is not so susceptible to problems with the wind.
    We had a big barbecue buffet at the restaurant at the top and enjoyed some country music.  There was line dancing and music until late, but we made it an early night.  It will be a long day tomorrow.  We are very much hoping that the next huge wave of snow waits until tomorrow night so that we can get to Denver in time to make our flight.  We will just have to wait and see!

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