Saturday, October 31, 2015

Big City RVing in Houston, Texas

     Did you know that Houston has bayous?  I think of Louisiana when I hear about bayous, but here we are in Houston and the bayous are overflowing.  Yup, more closed roads.  It rained again last night - 14 more inches in parts of Houston, as well as some tornadoes.  I heard it raining on our roof for several hours, but it was sunny when we got up.  Yeah!
    Houston wasn't on my original itinerary so I did some quick research and found a highly rated RV park.  I got directions from the park office and then looked at the GPS which routed us somewhat differently.  I went with the GPS and found when we got to town that a crucial road was closed due to flooding.  Enough already!
   We got to the campground with only one or two wrong turns and were pleased to find such a nice place to stay.  Once again we are between several highways and train tracks, but Lake View RV Resort is a beautiful, clean, well maintained park with a pool. We pulled out our new lawn chairs and celebrated with some wine.
Our living room, dining room and office.
    Then it starting raining again.  Not hard, but again!  TV news tells us that the city has many areas that are flooded from rivers and overflowing bayous.  The rain is supposed to stop tomorrow morning.  We hope so, we are sick of worrying about floating away.
   We have been living for over two weeks in less than 200 square feet.  Could you do that for weeks on end?  We brought clothes for temperatures from the 90's to the 30's.  Food for a week at a time.  Maps and travel information.  Entertainment for bad weather - books, laptop, games, and movies.  Rain gear, extra blankets, tools and repair manuals, cameras and binoculars, and patio chairs, table and barbecue.  We try to keep everything in its place or we couldn't turn around in here.  The rain has kept us inside lately and things have gotten a little messy. Tomorrow we will do our mid-trip cleaning and, hopefully, dry out.

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