Friday, October 30, 2015

Water Water Everywhere In New Braunfels, Texas

    Some traveling days test our adaptability, good humor, and map reading.  Today was one of the top ten difficult travel days.  Ugh.  But we are snug in our camper now.
    Last night it rained.  A lot.  A whole lot.  Our campground in San Antonio was along a creek.  We were about three campsites, a gravel camp road, and a walkway from the water.  By the time we got up we could see that little creek was flowing two feet higher and really fast – up over the walkway.  By the time we were packed up it was another foot higher.  We didn’t wait around to see if it covered our campsite.
     Our plan today was to go to Camping World just north of San Antonio and then head further north to Johnson City.  We went to Camping World to replace our ten year old lawn chairs which had suddenly died and to get some parts for our sewer system (don’t ask about that!)  We got new chairs and talked them into putting our old ones in their trash.  We had about 25 miles to go and decided to check our route and the weather.  Well, every road to Johnson City was closed due to water over the road.  So we looked for an alternate campground.  Nope – they are all situated next to rivers.  Finally we found one that said they had an “upper high area” which was not flooded, but only had a couple sites as the “lower area” was under water.  We drove over and claimed a site – sort of.  This campground has a summer “tubing on the river” business and we are camped in the parking lot where they store their buses which take folks up river to start their excursion.  It isn’t the worst place we have camped, but it comes close.
   We made the most of our stop here in New Braunfels – a little German village in Texas – and found a good bakery and a quilt store.  We tried to drive to the historic part of town, but got stopped by water over the road near the river.  So we gave up and went back to our campsite for a nap.  Finally, thanks to Trip Advisor, we had a really great dinner at a tiny German restaurant.  Good end to a frustrating day. 

    We were going to Johnson City (not on my original itinerary) instead of South Padre Island because of  coastal flooding.  Hmmm.  So now we are planning to drive to Houston tomorrow – but more rain is expected tonight.  Sigh.  We have new chairs, a working sewer line, and bellies full of schnitzel.  

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