Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lincoln, Nebraska

     We had a shorter drive today - 167 miles - so we didn't have to rush to get going.  A  slow morning is definitely preferred by my night owl husband.  Blue skies and pleasant temperatures greeted us as we opened the camper door.  We set off to find gas.  I figured that the savings from the major price reduction in gas will outweigh any Social Security increase I could have gotten next year.  It is a good time for us to be traveling in our RV.
   We drove past many wind farms.  Southern Iowa and Nebraska are maximizing the energy of the strong breezes which flow across the rolling hills.  I think that the long rows of wind turbines are interesting - almost beautiful.  Wind, however, is not our RV's friend.  Luckily, even though it was breezier today than yesterday, the drive was fairly short and the road was dry.
    We are staying at Camp-A-Way, a campground near downtown Lincoln, situated between two freeways.  The traffic noise is constant, but not overwhelming.  Huge elms, oaks and maples shade the campsites.  The ground is covered with fallen leaves and I can hear Rick coming back from his walk, shuffling through the leaves, from a long ways away.  We are close to the University of Nebraska where the historic quilt collection is housed.  The campground is a gathering spot on the weekends of home games for Cornhusker fans, but we are in luck because Nebraska plays in
Minnesota this weekend.
     Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska.  After a world wide depression, in 1900 the population of Lincoln had dwindled to 37,000.  Then a huge influx of immigrants from Russia came and revitalized the economy.  These immigrants were Volga Germans from Russia.  As we checked into the campground I found a brochure on the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.  My paternal grandmother was a German-Russian immigrant who lived in Canada.  We will be visiting the museum and research library tomorrow.  Fascinating to this genealogist.
   We enjoyed sitting on our lawn chairs in the late afternoon sunshine.  A cool breeze is bringing in a cold front.  It will be chilly here tomorrow as we visit downtown Lincoln, but the weather channel says that it is still in the mid-80's in Big Bend.

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