Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Briscoe of Western Art Museum and King William Historic District

     The weather has cooled off before the rains that are coming this weekend.  The Texans are bundled in their jackets and jeans.  We are still in shorts and sandals.  Today we visited two sites that I found on Trip Advisor.  The first is a museum which has art and artifacts from the American West.   There were saddles and spurs, guns and knives, a Wells Fargo wagon and a chuck wagon, a tipi, a windmill, sculptures, oils, water colors and photographs.  At many of the displays a tablet which played a video gave more information about the item.  At the chuck wagon a modern day chuck wagon cook talked about his passion for providing hearty meals for cowboys.   Another area had comfortable chairs with tablets and headphones playing contemporary music of the West.
     One of the displays talked about cowboy towns.  It pointed out that although TV westerns portray towns that have all-white citizens; in actuality the town’s populace consisted of Indians, Mexicans, Afro-Americans, Irish, and Germans.  After we left the museum we had lunch downtown and watched the world go by.  It was clear that San Antonio population is still a rich mix of colors of skin, languages, and cultures.  

     After lunch we drove a short distance south from downtown to the King William Historic District.  In the mid 1800’s the area was known as “Sauerkraut Bend” as many Germans moved into Texas and settled in the cities.  They built large, impressive houses in many architectural styles.  They also built several large breweries.  We drove around the neighborhood listening to descriptions of the homes on a cell phone audio tour.  Many of the houses have been beautifully refurbished as well as many of the old gardens.  It was a great tour.
     Tomorrow we pack up to leave San Antonio.  It has been great to stay in one place for a few days, but now it is time to move on.

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