Friday, March 3, 2017

Deer Valley Resort

There are three large ski areas near Park City.   Canyons Resort and Park City Mountain are connected by a long gondola ride.  The free shuttle bus takes folks from one area to another as well.  You can start off at Park City in the morning, use the gondola to get to Canyons and then take a free shuttle ride back to your hotel at the end of the day.  If you're hungry you can take the chair lift into downtown.  It is a very skier friendly place.
   Deer Valley is just on the edge of town and is the "up-scale" resort.  No snowboarding is allowed and the area closes it doors when it reaches a certain number of skiiers, so there aren't any long lift lines.  The area prides itself in beautifully groomed runs and has far more ski grooming equipment than the other two areas.  The homes and condos around the resort are massive and beautiful.  One of the ski club members works in Park City over the winter.  He told us about the former Enron home which has twelve bedrooms and twelve bathrooms.  It's up for sale if you are looking for a little ski hideaway.
   I drove around the area today to see what a really fancy ski area looks like.  It looks nice!  It was the site for the freestyle moguls, aerial, and alpine slalom events at the 2002 Olympics.  As I drove up I could see a long, steep run just covered with moguls.  Whew, this was not for me even at the height of my skiing skills.  I didn't see the Enron home, but I was very interested in several pretty little cottages that were tucked in between some of the mansions.
    Rick had another great skiing day with lots of sunshine and good snow.  We had dinner tonight with one of the trip organizers and who told us that there have been no injuries on this trip.  It is always good to know that everyone is going home in good shape.
   I've met some of my photo organization goals and made good progress on my hand quilting as well.  It has been quite a relaxing week and really fun to hang out with so many interesting and fun folks.  We have an afternoon flight home tomorrow so we get to sleep in a bit and have one last delicious breakfast.  Weather is supposed to be good so we should be home tomorrow night.  Sigh.

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