Thursday, September 7, 2017

Autumn Leaving

It has been a very busy summer.  I can hardly believe that the kids are back in school and we are back to our quieter schedule.  We have a lot going on at our lake cabins - some maintenance projects, new sewer systems, and work on rehabbing the "Road's End" cabin. We haven't taken a longer RV trip in two years so we decided to cram in a short one to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

We drove across the huge Mackinac Bridge eight years ago when coming back from Maine.  The scenery was amazing and I added the Upper Michigan area to my very long list of places to visit.  It just happens that a shorter trip this year will work out well, so Michigan is calling to us.

There is much to see along the south shore of Lake Superior and the west shore of Lake Michigan.  The leaves are turning early this year and it looks like we will be lucky enough to hit the area at near peak of color.  I made reservations for all our nights of camping to be sure that we have a place to stay if the campgrounds become full of leaf peepers.  The weather looks like it will be perfect.  My only worry is my arthritic knee which seems to have flared up more than usual with the cooler weather.  I may be doing less sightseeing on foot than I would like.

Our last camping trip in the RV was to Kamp Dells in Waterville, MN.  The campsite was very muddy and our last day was all rain.  We have cleaned all the rugs and linens.  Today we need to work on scrubbing the RV floors to finally get rid of all the mud.  It is always nice to start out with a clean rig.

I look forward to sharing this beautiful part of our country with you all.

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