Sunday, September 17, 2017

St. Ignace, Michigan

     Today we were supposed to cross the Mackinac Bridge and stay in Mackinaw City.  Instead, we are on the north side of the Mackinac Bridge in St. Ignace.  There are KOA Campgrounds on both the north and south sides of the bridge.  I had it in my mind that we were staying at the north side, but when we went to check in I was told that we were at the wrong one.  We could have just driven to the other, BUT the back up to get on the bridge was very long.  There were gusts of wind which had slowed traffic on the bridge down to 20 MPH.  I must say that I am already not a fan of tall bridges and going across with gusts of wind buffeting the camper was not my idea of a good time.
    Our KOA host called the other campground, got our reservation cancelled, and found us a spot in St. Ignace.  It's not nearly as nice a campground, but it's fine and I didn't have to sit in a long line waiting to do something I don't want to do.  Now I've got two more days to think about the crossing. Blah.
   This warm weather has messed with my packing and I had to do laundry today because we are running out of shorts and t-shirts.  I hate doing laundry on the road, but today wasn't bad at all.  Now we are prepared for more warm and sunny days - a blessing really.
Mackinac Bridge in the haze
    We took a drive along the lake shore to get to a point where we could see the bridge - Bridge Park.  Somehow I thought we would be driving along a cliff looking down, but the road was right along Lake Michigan.  It appears that the lake is very high and at times was getting pretty close to the road.  I don't know how much the level is up, but based on the road and the homes right on the edge of the lake, it is much higher than usual.  There were a lot of places for sale if you want a lake shore home on Lake Michigan.
    We drove to the little downtown to see where we will catch a ferry to get to Mackinac Island tomorrow.  It's a pretty little town with many well preserved old buildings and a lot of tourist industry.  It was quiet on this nice Sunday evening and the bridge traffic was considerably diminished.  I am hoping that the calm weather will remain until we get across that bridge (and, unfortunately for me, back across it two days later).

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