Thursday, September 21, 2017

Indian Lake State Park

   We are still in this magic Indian Summer mode with temperatures in the low 80's.  Every day is more perfect than the last.  Our campsite tonight overlooks a large lake just  four miles from Lake Michigan.  We are camped 30 feet from the bluff overlooking the lake with a nice set of wood steps going down to the water and a bench for two at the top.  Since we are backed into the site we can see the sunset on the lake from our bed.  A bunch of ducks hang out on the shore and keep quacking at me.  I think they expect to be fed.
    The campground is about half full but will probably get busier on the weekend with such good weather.  Tonight it is quiet except for the ducks and a red squirrel who also seems to expect a handout.  There's not much to the park except for the beach and the campground, but its a beautiful place that just happened to be along the north shore of Lake Michigan on our drive back home.
    We crossed back over the Mackinac Bridge and were lucky once again to have calm, sunny weather.  Then we headed east on Michigan Highway 2 which follows the north shore of Lake Michigan along the dunes and through little towns.  There are a lot of 1950 style travel courts with tiny cabins and 1960 style motels and drive in restaurants.  I think much of it looks the same as when my family drove here in about 1958.  We camped in a tiny pop-up camper then.  I'm spoiled in my nice little Winnebago now.  
     September is great for camping when you're retired.  Fewer crowds and mosquitos, warm days, cool nights and perfect campfire weather.  

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