Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 2 Sault Saint Marie

     It was a cool and quiet night at the campground and we both slept great in our comfy bed under a warm quilt. I brought along a noise machine which makes nature sounds, so I slept through the 11 pm train that whistled at every intersection in Oconto. When it went through at 6 pm it was quite loud, so either the white noise machine is really good or I was really tired!

     Rick got up at 7 am thinking it was 8 so we got an earlier than usual start this morning. We spent the day driving along the shores of Lake Michigan. Lots of small towns and really nice lake homes. It was a tiring driving day for Rick because of the many turns and stops in all the little towns. We are now in Canada at the Sault St. Marie KOA. I want to do the Circle Tour of Lake Superior next summer and take a tour of the locks here - it looks really interesting, but we didn't get into our campground until after 4 as we lost an hour going into Eastern time.
     The line of cars crossing the bridge into the USA was really long - probably 80 or more cars and trucks. We were happy to be going INTO Canada with only 1 car ahead of us. It is cloudy tonight and cool (mid-60's) with cooler weather tomorrow. That's ok, we will just put another quilt on top of the bed. Time to open a bottle of wine to celebrate our entry into Canada!

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