Saturday, August 29, 2009

Montreal, Quebec - Day 4

On a misty, moisty morning when cloudy was the weather, I chanced to see an old man all dressed in leather.” My “old man” wore his rain jacket instead of his leathers, but it was “moisty” today.
     We left Mattawa in a mist and drove along the Ottawa River. The water was dark and moving fast between rocky cliffs. A thick mist drifted along the river making it look mysterious and intriguing. There were many really tall pines along the road – no logging in this area. Beautiful!
     As we moved away from the river the rains began in earnest and the landscape turned into rolling fields and dairy farms. The road was bumpy and terrible. We looked forward to reaching the freeway near Ottawa. But, by the time we hit the freeway, the traffic had become thick and the rain was just pouring. Driving through Ottawa was a real nail biter – accidents, deep puddles, no visibility, and bumpy roads. Fortunately our GPS said when we needed to change lanes to move through town – since we couldn’t see the signs for the rain. Finally we got out of town and stopped in a gas station parking lot for a hot soup lunch and welcome break.
     As we crossed from Ontario into Quebec we discovered that highway signs are NOT bi-lingual as in Ontario, but only in French. Hmm. I am going to have to look up a few common highway sign phrases. This seemed extra critical as we drove up to yellow flashing signs with undecipherable messages. Tomorrow we will take the subway into downtown from our KOA located in the far outskirts. Perhaps it will stop raining!

1 comment:

FatherAuld said...

Hi Susan,
The French signs are fun aren't they. I hope are are going to see the old Quebec city. I just loved it there.
