Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting ready for Maine

     We are getting ready for our trip to Maine and Massachusetts which starts next week. (I will have to learn to spell Massachusetts before we get too much further). While the RV was still at the cabin we washed the rubber roof, cleaned the carpets, sorted through all the storage compartments and cleaned and refilled the water tanks.
     I refilled my pantry with non-perishable foods - the refrigerated stuff will be put on just before we leave. I try to have about a week of easy to make meals with us when we leave. I also went to the used bookstore and restocked my on board library. Many campgrounds have "leave one, take one" shelves so I can trade the books in as I read them.
     Now we just have to get a worn tire replaced, find a Wisconsin map, and fill the closets with shorts, jeans, T-shirts, fleece shirts and rain gear. The weather is likely to vary from very warm to very cool with a good chance of rainy weather.


FatherAuld said...

Excellent start Susan. I look forward to each episode.


Arik said...

I look forward as well. Now that you've finished West Wing, you should consider something else for your evening entertainment. Here are a couple of Suggestions:

Deadwood: If you can get past the language and grit, the cadence and prose of the dialog is outstanding. Great interpretation of western life with Ian McShane taking center stage.

Sopranos: They won a ton of awards for a reason. This show literally changed TV Drama and is consitantly ranked one of the top 10 dramas of all time.. Going beyond the typical mobster chiche there is plenty for everyone. You'll find yourself trying to watch just one more...

SassyMandaG said...

Looking forward to following along again this year.