Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mont Royal and Saint Phillippe Day 5

     It is Sunday (no traffic) and sunny so we headed across the St. Lawrence River into Montreal to go to Parc Mont Royal which is the highest point in Montreal. Crossing the river was a bit of a challenge as it is NASCAR weekend in Montreal – just down river from our campground. Once downtown we found the park and had a great view of the city and the river.
     From Mont Royal we headed to the site of the Olympics and Montreal’s Botanical Gardens. The city is very “European” with parks, families on bicycles, little apartments with balconies, neighborhood cafés, and people out strolling. The architecture is very French – even the new houses have a French flair. Flowers and gardens are everywhere. We loved it.

     After lunch at the gardens we took another route back across the river and drove into the very old town of Saint Phillippe which is ½ mile from our campground. The town has twisty, narrow streets and old stone houses. Very pretty. We were looking for a supermarket – which we found just another mile away in a big new suburban development pushing its way into Saint Phillippe. Shopping in a French market was interesting and took a little longer. I wanted hotdog buns and some sausage for breakfast. I ended up with Canadian bacon and buns that appear to be folded slices of white bread. They should do just fine. They will taste great with a little Canadian whiskey that we picked up on our way “home.”

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