Friday, August 28, 2009

Mattawa, Ontario, Canada

     Quickly name all the Great Lakes! Today we drove along the north shore of Lake Huron. It was much like the North Shore of Lake Superior - very rocky with some big ridges and lots of small towns. This is country that glaciers passed over so it is covered with rivers and lakes. We drove by lots of Provincial Parks and campgrounds. There were many RVs and cars with boats, kayaks and canoes on the road. Most of the small towns had little harbors full of sailboats. It is so pretty, eh?
     The road we were on today is the Trans-Canada highway. It was mostly two-lane – but smooth with nice big shoulders. There were a bunch of way-side parks so we had lunch by the Spanish River. I just wish there were some “overlooks” so we could have stopped for pictures of Lake Huron and Lake Nippining. Just imagine Lake Superior and Lake of the Woods.
     We expected rain today and were happy that it only came in a few sprinkles. The drive was 7 hours and rain would have made it even more tiring. Tonight we are in a great little campground – Sid Turcotte. Again we are on a river with lots of big pines. There is a sandy swimming beach on the river and some canoes, but it is cloudy and about (aboot in Canadian) 58 F. (or perhaps 15 C?) so we are going to have a campfire instead. I am posting my blog from a picnic table outside the office - limited WIFI range today - with a great view of the river. It is chilly and breezy so time to head back to our campfire. Pictures tomorrow.

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