Thursday, October 16, 2008

Almost home

      We have driven almost 7000 miles - I am glad that gas was not as expensive as I had estimated for my budget. Today's drive was really long and included Kansas City (Why is it ArkanSAS (SAW) and KanSAS (ZAS)? We both liked the scenery - many rivers, hills, trees and farms - but I have maxed out on all of it and was reading off and on all day. I lost the ability to read in the car for a while, but now have it back and it is a great way to make time pass. I remember my Mom reading all the way back and forth from the cabin. (or maybe she was pretending so that she didn't need to moderate our battles?)
It was hard to find open campgrounds so late in the season and tonight we are well off the beaten path in a tiny campground in northern Missouri. We share it with only a couple other RV's who are also heading back to Minnesota to enjoy the rest of the fall. No TV reception, but they have WiFi - what a blessing. I am addicted to my email, Internet surfing and blogging. Now I am also addicted to having the access on my PDA so I can look up stuff while we are driving like how the stock market is doing and what chestnuts look like ( I think I saw some on a tree).

     I am ready to be home for a bit and recharge. It is time to pack the trailer away for the winter and pull out my sewing machine. Next time I hope that you all join us on the road. It has been quite a ride. 10 National Parks, 4 National monuments, uncountable National Forests, State parks, and not the least important - Interstate Rest Stops! Iowa has the best ones. See you all in person soon. Peace.

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