Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yellow Brick Road

     The day started with a frost advisory, a peach colored sunrise seen only in the mountains, and a full moon. Overnight the wind was blowing madly, but it was quiet and frosty by the time I got up.
The weather is warming as we head into the plains. Now we are in Kansas! It has been raining here for three days, but is beautiful today. Sunshine and TREES! Well not too many trees - just around the rivers - but real oaks and maples.
     We crossed lots of ranch and farmland. Utah is the most mountainous state, is Kansas the least hilly? It looks prosperous though, with lots of grain elevators, tidy farms and pretty little towns. So much of the southwest is dusty and ragged. After days of rain everything in Kansas sparkles.
It is time to come home. We had our last beers for supper and my jeans need washing. The trees are gold and red, we see pumpkins at the corner stores, and a little frost on the ground in the morning. Many of the campgrounds are closing. I have almost finished the slide show of the trip.
     The RV is losing screws, but otherwise is working great. The truck is dirty, but running well. We have not been sick a single day. We are anxious to see friends and family, but still talking to each other. Good trip! Two more days of driving and then home on Friday night, God willing.

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