Monday, October 13, 2008

Snow is coming to Taos

     Most days I get up and check the weather to decide what our attire and activities will be. Today we were supposed to head to Taos. When I checked the weather I found that a winter storm is coming to the high areas of the West including Taos. The forecast was for 4-8" at 6000', 8-12" above. Taos is at about 7000'. The road out goes over a 9500' pass. We passed on the whole deal and headed to Colorado Springs where it was supposed to be 57 and sunny.
     It was really chilly last night. We turned off the heat when we went to bed, but at 4 am I got up to find that it was only 37 in the main part of the RV. I turned the heat on so that Rick would make it to morning. The sun was out when we got up, but never really got much over 50 until late in the afternoon.
Most of the RV traffic is now heading south. They can't understand why we are heading north, but I am ready to head home. We really want to avoid driving on slippery roads - I can't imagine what it would be like to have the trailer start to slide. So we are going to see a few sites in Colorado Springs tomorrow if it stays clear, and then head straight home.
    Our stop tonight is at a huge KOA with a great view of the mountains (and some powerlines and the highway). We have come full circle and now the moon is full again. I can't believe we have been away for over a month.


FatherAuld said...

So I guess you will be home in the next couple of days or so. I just want to tell you how much we have enjoyed following your travels via your web posts. I love the pictures that you have shown in most of the postings also.

See you soon.


Arik said...

As much as I'm enjoying the fall colors and the temperate weather there is still part of me that is looking forward to winter. Although, I wouldn't look forward to hauling the trailer through a storm. It's too bad you will miss touring through Taos. I've heard nothing but good things. We will all be looking forward though to having you back and to hear more of the wonderful stories and see the rest of the great pictures.