Monday, October 6, 2008

Grand Canyon to Flagstaff

      I got Rick up very early to tour more of Grand Canyon park. We hit our temperature low (28) overnight so I had to warm up the camper before he could get out of bed. We have now hit over 100 and under 32!
     The park was beautiful and clear in the early morning. We toured several of the old lodges and then walked a ways down Bright Angel Trail. This is the famous trail to the bottom of the gorge. As we walked down it I wondered why we had not walked further the last time we visited the park - then I remembered that I had two little boys (5 and 8) walking with me and there was no way I was going to go very far down this dangerous trail.
     The drive to Flagstaff was short and boring until we got close to town and saw the towering pines. It is a beautiful city. During a stop on our drive I noticed several spots on the edge of the trailer roof that were torn. Danger! Danger! We once saw a trailer going down the road with the rubber roof pulled half way back and flapping in the wind. So we got to Flagstaff, went to the RV store, bought goop to fix and roof and sent Ricky up there to stick it down again - It looks fine. WE will see! We had dinner with Gerry and Maura and made plans to visit more later in the week.

1 comment:

Arik said...

I can imagine how completely excited dad was to be up and at it so early. I know how rambunctious he can get when he get the opportunity to get cracking at sunrise. Not me though. I probably would not have spoken much except to answer a question and even then, it would be simple monosyllable answers. My first unprompted sentence would probably arise close to 9:00am.

As kids, it was not scary at all, but with all the traffic and many shear sides I can see why you may have hesitated a little.

Good luck with the Trailer!