Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Standing on the Corner in Winslow, Arizona

      Rick went off to get the oil changed on the truck while I had a conference call this morning. He told me that as the oil was being changed the serviceman came back with the air filter with a bunch of junk on top of it. We were getting only about 20% of the function of the filter due to the rodent nest built on it. The nest has probably been there since we left Minnesota!
     Jerry and Maura took us to Winslow, Arizona to see the corner from the Eagles song. We followed some of old Route 66 to get there and saw some of the old bridges of the original highway. We speculate that this is the road that Eleanor took when she drove across the country to meet up with Henry during WWII.
     There is also a great hotel, La Posada, built in 1929 for the Santa Fe Railway, that has been remodeled. Thick adobe walls, fancy tile floors, lots of french doors which led out to deeply shaded patios with fountains and flowers. It was a place for passengers to stop overnight on their way to California. We toured the lodge, did some shopping in the gift shop and had a fine dinner. Great day.

1 comment:

Paape Family said...

That was one of my mom's favorite stops while they were there!