Saturday, October 11, 2008

Santa Fe Plaza

      We took Old Pecos Trail (which is partly Route 66) to the Santa Fe trail and worked our way from our campground at the edge of town to the heart of the historic district. Some of the oldest city buildings in the U.S. are right down here in this area. They all cluster around a plaza across from the old government building.
     The area is full of shops, restaurants, galleries, museums and historic buildings. We had a great time looking at wares from Native American vendors under the awning of the government building and had lunch overlooking the plaza.
     The weather turned so we went to the Georgia O'Keefe museum for the afternoon. It included many photos of her home outside Santa Fe. Great exhibit. When we got outside it was thundering, but we had only 6 blocks to go to the car. Before we got there the heavens opened up with pouring rain and then hail. We were soaked and cold, but I made a stop at a quilt store before going back to the RV to warm up. Very strong winds, more hail, lots of rain and even stronger winds went on until late evening.
There are beautiful vistas, great shopping, wonderful hotels and restaurants. You should all come here.


Paape Family said...

gotta hit the quilt shop even if it is storming out! Love it :)

Paape Family said...

i love that you stopped at the quilt shop even in the pouring rain! :)

Waukenabogirl said...

Quilt shopping is always a priority. I can't let dripping wet jeans and freezing feet stop me.