Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sedona, Arizona

      We took a winding, very steep canyon road from Flagstaff to Sedona. The great red rocks are smooth and beautiful. Along the way was Sliderock State Park. You can do just what the name says - slide over very slippery rocks in a mountain stream into deep pools. Looked like a lot of fun but it was only 57 when we left Flagstaff and swimming in a mountain stream was not what we thought we would be doing.
     Sedona was a pretty town somewhat taken over by tourist stuff. We went to one shopping area which had many high priced art stores. Really nice art and some great Navajo rugs all way out of our price range but wonderful to look at.
     We had a great lunch at the "Cowboy Cafe" and then drove out into the red rock desert and got a little lost. All in all it was a wonderful 36th anniversary day.


Arik said...

This part looks very similar to the National Park we stopped at in Canada on our trip to Glacier. I don't think the rocks were as smooth but very much the same colors.

Arik said...

I can imagine that the nest hurt the power and fuel efficiency... It's a little funny to think that it had been traveling with you the whole time. I'm sure the rodent found it a little less funny though...